Today we are recognized by our web reputation and Digital Identity. Reliability and personal or business success, depend on the first impression users have while surfing on internet. How? By negative and positive comments, describing digital identity with news, opinions, digital contents shared on web and social media. Often digital identity doesn’t correspond with real identity but today the most important thing is digital web content and its position on search engines. Bad web reputation or any web reputation at all, could be a problem for your individual or business identity.

    Actually, it is essential to be present on web and social media and create the personal digital identity which must be as clear as possible, coherent and visible, increasing trust to the people so as to turn them into customers or promoters of your brand.

  • Noima carries out the following strategic activities about Construction and Digital Image Optimization:


    Coordinated image

    Building and optimization of digital identity, coordinated with the company or private real image

    Positive Contents

    New positive web content: press releases, web campaigns, blog items, positive forum  discussions


    We improve your reputation by eclipsing negative content through positive news

    Sharing good news

    Digital PR strategies and Link building for the diffusion of new content on authentic and influent online portals